Why practice ‘Iyengar Yoga’?




With regular practice the mind is cultured and made healthy. In turn the body is cultured and made healthy.

The Iyengar approach to yoga is holistic by creating physical, mental, emotional and spiritual transformation, bringing mental clarity, emotional stability, wisdom and physical health and vitality. The approach is cautious and therapeutic as well as mindful and reflective. It addresses peoples of all ages and ways of life.

Classes based on the Iyengar yoga method offer:

  • Integrating yoga philosophy with the practice of asana and pranayama
  • A safe and systematic way of practising yogasanas to increase the student’s ability and skill
  • Thoughtful sequencing that develops strength, flexibility, stamina, concentration, and serenity of mind
  • Demonstration and clear instructions on specific points develops understanding and intelligent action
  • Individual correction and adjustment of students, when necessary
  • Use of props, such as blankets, blocks, and belts, to promote sensitivity and to adjust yoga postures to individual needs
  • Qualified and rigorously trained teachers committed to continuous practice and study

With regular practice the mind is cultured and made healthy. In turn the body is cultured and made healthy.

Reference Books by

BKS Iyengar
Light on Yoga
Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Tree of Yoga
Light on Pranayama
Light on Life

Prashant Iyengar
A Manual on Humanics
Yogasana (The 18 Mahakriyas of Yogasana)
Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali Chittavijnana of Yogasanas
Yog and the New Millenium
Alpha and Omega of Trikonasana

Geeta Iyengar
Yoga, a Gem for Women
Yoga in Action – Preliminary Course
Yoga in Action – Intermediate Course